Ensuring Authenticity in LLM-Generated Content

Artificial intelligence has ushered in a new era of content creation. It promises fast, efficient content development for marketing teams and thought leaders alike. 

So, if everyone uses AI to generate content, how can you ensure your AI-generated content stays authentic?

3 challenges of ai-driven content in legal tech

The way I see it, there are three main ways AI-driven content creation presents unique challenges in legal tech. 

1 ) Loss of specificity

While AI can efficiently generate accurate overviews, it struggles to connect information to real-world implications for legal professionals. A generic LLM tool might get really stuck on terms like “legal regulations” or “ethical considerations” when writing about anything vaguely legal. And because it gets stuck on these terms, it may miss the opportunity to discuss the actual impact on a law firm's day-to-day operations or specific client scenarios. 

2 ) Risk of homogenization

As LLM tools become more widespread, there's a growing risk that content across the industry might become formulaic and repetitive. I’m thinking like-- the content version of 'Spiderman pointing meme,' where brands start to lose originality and creativity. Such homogeneity diminishes your brand's distinct voice, separating you from a competitive market. 

3 ) Losing your brand voice

Without guardrails, AI can produce generic-sounding content that doesn't fully capture the brand’s personality-- we’ve all read it before: 

"Document automation allows law firms to delve into the realm of efficiency by automating repetitive tasks. As firms navigate the complexities of legal documentation, this technology streamlines processes and saves valuable time."

Your carefully cultivated brand voice now sounds like the teacher from Ferris Bueller

How to train your LLM

I couldn’t even finish the paragraph on generic LLM outputs because the word “realm” triggered me. We all know the problems, so let’s fix these generic issues so you can have the best of both worlds. 

1) Define your brand voice

I’m assuming that if you’re frustrated with generic LLM outputs, you probably already have a style guide. If not, start by creating a comprehensive brand style guide that outlines your brand’s tone, vocabulary, and style, including specific examples of preferred language, sentence structures, and overall tone—be it formal, authoritative, friendly, or something else. Identify the key characteristics of your brand voice, such as being professional, authoritative, precise, or approachable.

Example Prompt

You are the voice of a legal tech company known for being professional, authoritative, and precise. Your tone is formal yet approachable, clear, and trustworthy. You avoid casual language and ensure that all content is accurate and informative. Here are some examples of your brand voice:

1. "Welcome to [Company Name], where precision meets efficiency in legal practice management."

2. "Ensure compliance and streamline your billing processes with our cutting-edge software solutions."

From now on, write all content in this professional and authoritative tone.

2) Collect training data

Curate a set of high-performing content pieces that showcase your brand voice. This can include blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, product descriptions, emails, and case studies. Add these to the GPT's knowledge as examples. 

This way, when you need to write a press release or article, the GPT will have an example to draw on. 

Example Prompt

When writing in the brand voice, follow these guidelines:

1. Use formal and precise language.

2. Start sentences with authoritative statements (e.g., "Ensure," "Streamline").

3. Avoid humor and keep the tone serious and professional.

4. Use clear and concise sentences. Avoid complex jargon unless necessary.

Draft a press release announcing our new legal billing software function.

3) Create detailed personas

Collaborate with your product and customer success teams to develop detailed personas for your target audience. These personas should include demographics, pain points, goals, and preferred communication styles. Again, add these personas to the GPT's knowledge.

4) Use the persona prompt

Use the "Act As" prompts (aka. persona prompts) to instruct the AI to adopt the brand persona in its responses. Provide examples of the desired output style and tone. Give the AI clear and specific guidelines while generating text, such as using formal language, starting sentences with authoritative statements, and avoiding humor.

Example Prompt

Act as the voice of [Company Name], a leader in legal tech solutions. Your language should be formal, clear, and informative. Here’s a sample of how [Company Name] communicates:

"Our contract lifecycle management software ensures that your agreements are meticulously tracked and managed from inception to renewal."

"Simplify your practice management with our user-friendly and compliant solutions, designed to meet the highest standards of the legal industry."

Now, generate a product description for our new contract lifecycle management tool.

5) Give the LLM feedback

Show the AI examples of content that aligns with the brand voice and examples that do not, explaining why specific outputs are preferred over others. Regularly review and refine the AI’s outputs based on feedback from human editors. Continuously update the model with new examples and guidelines to improve accuracy.

Example Prompt

Here’s a sample email in our brand voice:

- Good Example: "Dear Valued Client, We are excited to introduce our new legal billing software, designed to streamline your billing processes and ensure compliance with industry standards."

- Bad Example: "Hey there! Check out our cool new billing software. It's super easy to use and will make your life so much easier!"

Refine the following email to match our brand voice better:

"Thank you for choosing our software. We hope you like our new billing feature."

Maintaining your standards

Look, it makes sense to use AI in our content production. The real trick is mastering it to keep your brand’s voice unique and compelling. Have questions or need some guidance? Fill out the form on our website. I’m here to help you harness AI while keeping your brand authentic and engaging.


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